Sunday, August 12, 2012

Homemade Peppermint Body Wash

Before the end of last year, I never thought about the ingredients in my products. NEVER. I am sure the change is partly due to being 40+ and wanting to keep that soft, young looking skin, but it also has alot to do with actually caring about what I am putting in and on my body. My quest for natural homemade products began with this recipe for body wash. I love everything about it, the scent, the natural ingredients, and the cost! I adapted the recipe from The Little Seed Farm. You should stop over and check them out. :o) I hope you will like this body wash as much as I do. 
Peppermint Body Wash

Here is what you will need:
1 cup Water
2 tablespoons Almond Oil
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon Citric Acid
1 teaspoon Guar Gum
1 1/2 cups Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Liquid Castile Soap
30 drops Peppermint Essential Oil

In a bowl, whisk together water, almond oil, honey, and citric acid.
Sprinkle in the guar gum and then immediatley add in the liquid castile soap.
Whisk until well blended.
Add in the peppermint essential oil and stir to combine.
Place body wash in bottle of choice.
I used a recycled bottle. :o)


Options:  I've also made Orange Body Wash using Dr. Bronner's Orange Liquid Castile Soap and Orange Essential Oil. Feel free to play around with this recipe, use your favorite oil, favorite scent of liquid castile soap, and favorite essential oils. There are so many possibilities with this recipe! 



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